Microcycas calocoma

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Figure 1. M. calocoma
Figure 3. M. calocoma

Distribution & Habitat:[edit]

Open forests, in mountains of western Cuba.


A very tall (to 10m), and attractive cycad, with graceful, drooping leaflets.


One of the rarest cycads, with a world population of less than 1000 plants. The wild populations are small and localised, and have very uneven sex ratios. Fairchild Tropical Gardens have several mature plants, and occasionally distribute seeds.


Warm, moist, position in full sun or light shade (if you're lucky enough to get one :)

Figure 2. M. calocoma male cone.
Figure 4. M. calocoma in habitat.
Figure 5. M. calocoma in habitat.
Figure 6. M. calocoma in habitat.

Contributed by:[edit]

Rolf Kyburz (Figures 1,2 & 3)
Mark Olsen (Figure 4,5 & 6)

External Links:[edit]

Cycad Pages, IUCN, JSTOR, Trebrown

Google, GoogleImages, Flickr,