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Welcome to the Palm and Cycad Society of Australia


Welcome to the PACSOA website and wiki, one of the internet's most comprehensive resources about palms and cycads. This web site includes extensive information on palm and cycad species, their horticulture, details about society membership, society activities, and links to other sites.

The Palm & Cycad Society of Australia Inc. (PACSOA) is a group of affiliated, semi-autonomous, regional Palm and/or Cycad Societies headed by a Board presently based in Brisbane, Queensland. The Society has a Bookstore which offers substantial discounts on retail prices of palm and cycad books and publications, most of which are unobtainable elsewhere in Australia. At the regional level (the individual societies are known as branch groups), regular meetings, field trips and outings are organized and all branch groups produce a newsletter relevant to their particular area.

The objects of the PASCOA include promotion of the propagation and cultivation of palms and cycads, education and dissemination of knowledge, scientific study, and conservation of endangered species in the wild. PASCOA is affiliated with the International Palm Society (I.P.S.)

PACSOA (National Palm & Cycad) Show

The next annual <<PACSOA show (link)>> will be held on the weekend of March 1-2, 2025, at Mt Coot-tha Botanic Gardens Auditorium, Brisbane.
Saturday 9am to 4pm, Sunday 9am to 3pm. Admission $4 / $2 Concession.

There is free parking at the gardens. 
There will be hundreds of rare species, natives, and exotics for sale as well as cultivation advice, a rare plant display, and books and magazines for sale. 

All members are welcome to sell plants at the show (palms and cycads only), the only requirement is that you be a paid up member ($15/year). Set up is Friday Feb. 28, 9am to 5pm sharp.

Contact Martin Lack for more information.

How to use this website

  • If your are a beginner to growing palms and cycads, try our beginners page (at left) for a set of introductory articles, or if you are a bit more experienced and looking for some inspiration, try South-east Qld Palms for some interesting, but less commonly grown species.
  • If you know what species you are interested in, go to the relevant page in either Palms or Cycads. Because this is a Wiki, you can also add or update almost any article on these pages. Simply register (top right)), click the "edit" button of the article and share your knowledge!
  • If you are looking for information on adding or updating pages, have a look at the help page. This will also tell you how to upload images to the wiki.
  • If you would like to contribute any information or pictures, but don't feel comfortable doing that yourself, you can send them to me at
  • If you would like to join PACSOA, or find out information about the benefits, go to our online Membership page
  • If you would like to purchase any books, go to our Bookstore.
  • Our Links page has numerous links to other relevant sites and plant societies.


We also have two Facebook pages, Palm and Cycad Society of Australia and Brisbane Palm And Cycad Society, where you can keep up to date with the latest information, and other members.

If you have any comments or suggestions about this website, please contact the website maintainer, Mike Gray.