Dypsis scottiana

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Figure 1. D. scottiana

Common Names:[edit]

Raosy Palm

Conservation Status:[edit]


Distribution & Habitat:[edit]

Endemic to white sand coastal forest on the south-eastern tip of Madagascar, a habitat similar to that of Dypsis_lutescens


A small, clustering palm with numerous, thin stems to 4m tall, with small, glossy green, pinnate leaves.


Warm, well drained sheltered position. Probably reasonably drought resistant.

Figure 2. D. scottiana stem detail.

Contributed by:[edit]

Luke Nancarrow (Figure 1)
Clayton York, [Utopia Palms & Cycads] (Figure 2)

External Links:[edit]

Kew, PalmWeb, eMonocot, JSTOR, Trebrown

Google, GoogleImages, Flickr, PalmTalk