Encephalartos kisambo
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Distribution & Habitat:[edit]
Mist forest among large, granite boulders, on several low hills in the Voi district, southern Kenya.
A medium sized clumping cycad to between 2.5m and 4m high, which can eventually get up to 12 stems. It has erect leaves which can grow up to 4m long. The cones are a very attractive canary yellow.
Regarded as one of the most spectacular cycad species.
An easy to grow to grow plant, which prefers light shade, and has a long tap-root, so a deep pot is preferable. Frost sensitive.
E. kisambo in habitat, Marungu Mountain, Kenya.[edit]
Contributed by:[edit]
Rolf Kyburz (Figure 1)
Jan Andersson (Figure 2,3,4,5)
External Links:[edit]
World List, IUCN, JSTOR, Trebrown