Pritchardia minor
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P. eriophora
Conservation Status:[edit]
Not endangered
Distribution & Habitat:[edit]
Wet forest in the centre of Kauai.
These are actually medium to large palms, 6-12 metres high, with trunk around 100 mm in diameter. (Fig 2). The leaves are smooth on the top surface, but slightly waxy and very lightly covered with grey-yellowish felt on the lower side. The fruits are ovoid, approximately 20 x 18 mm and the seed is 13-15 mm in diameter (Fig. 3).
Beccari had described P. eriophora and P. minor as separate species, but they are so similar they have beed reduced to the same species name.
Sunny, moist, but well drained position.
Contributed by:[edit]
Chris King (Text)
K.R. Wood (Figure 1,2&3)
External Links:[edit]
Kew, PalmWeb, eMonocot, JSTOR, Trebrown
Google, GoogleImages, Flickr, PalmTalk