Syagrus sancona

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Figure 1. S. sancona in Bolivia.

Common Names:[edit]

Columbian Foxtail,
South American Foxtail Palm,
Sumunqu Palm

Distribution & Habitat:[edit]

Found high in the Andes in northern South America (Columbia, Venezuela and Ecuador)


A very tall (to 30m) palm (the tallest Syagrus) with a thin, cream coloured trunk, and recurved, plumose leaves (hence the common name). Young plants have a marked bulge at the base of the trunk which is unique amongst Syagrus. Regarded as the most attractive of the Syagrus.


The same conditions as Syagrus romanzoffiana, however it isn't as cold tolerant.

Figure 2. S. sancona

Contributed by:[edit]

Ed Brown (Figure 1)
Gaston Torres Vera, Cordoba, Argentina (Images copyright Argentina Palms) (Figure 2)

External Links:[edit]

Kew, PalmWeb, JSTOR, Trebrown

Google, GoogleImages, Flickr, PalmTalk