Syagrus schizophylla

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Figure 1. S. schizophylla petiole and infructescence.

Common Names:[edit]

Arikury Palm

Distribution & Habitat:[edit]

Native to Brazil in sandy coastal areas.


A medium sized solitary palm with dark green pinnate leaves with very thin petioles which are spiny near the base. Ripe fruits are orange.


Likes an open sunny, well drained position but will grow in some shade. Seeds germinate in 2-4 months. Quite cold tolerant.

Figure 2. S. schizophylla
Figure 3. S. schizophylla
Figure 4. S. schizophylla

Contributed by:[edit]

Luke Nancarrow (Figure 2)
Ryan Gallivan (Figure 3)
Gileno Machado (Figure 1&4)

External Links:[edit]

Kew, PalmWeb, eMonocot, JSTOR, Trebrown

Google, GoogleImages, Flickr, PalmTalk