Ceratozamia euryphyllidia

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Figure 1. Fabulous leaf of C. euryphyllidia


Veracruz, Mexico.

Distribution & Habitat:[edit]

Wet, tropical rainforest.


A small cycad with a trunk to about 20cm tall, but with leaves up to 3.2m long, and leaflets to 30cm long, and 15cm wide.


One of the most sought after cycads (rather obvious why), but very, very rare. Apparently only about 30 plants are known to exist in the wild.


Warm, sheltered and moist.

Figure 2. C. euryphyllidia at Fairchild Botanic Gardens
Figure 3. C. euryphyllidia petioles
Figure 4. C. euryphyllidia

Contributed by:[edit]

Michael Calonje, Collectors Seeds (Figures 1&4)
Chuck Grieneisen (Figures 2&3)

External Links:[edit]

World List, IUCN, JSTOR, Trebrown

Google, GoogleImages, Flickr,