Encephalartos hirsutus
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Common Names:[edit]
Critically Endangered, possibly extinct in the wild.
Common Names:[edit]
Venda cycad
Distribution & Habitat:[edit]
This species was known from three separate localities in the Soutpansberg region of the Limpopo Province, South Africa. Plants grew on exposed south-east-facing quartzite cliffs, in moist semi-deciduous mixed scrub from between 800 to 1,000m asl. The vegetation type is mainly Mountain Bushveld. The rainfall is between 350-650 mm per year.
This is a medium to large cycad with stems up to 4m (13 feet) long, and rigid, glaucous, bluish-silver leaves to 140cm (4.5 feet) long. The stems usually lie along the ground and terminate in a dense crown of leaves. The new leaves are covered in dense hairs, which weather quite slowly compared to other cycads, hence the name hirsutus, which means "hairy".
Only described in 1996 by South African horticulturist P.J.H. Hurter, it belongs to a group of blue-leaved Transvaal cycads (Encephalartos dolomiticus, Encephalartos eugene-maraisii, Encephalartos dyerianus and Encephalartos middelbergensis).
Likes a sunny, well drained position.
Contributed by:[edit]
Dr Andre J. Cilliers (Figure 1)
Peter Heibloem Cycad Gardens (Figure 2)
External Links:[edit]
World List, IUCN, JSTOR, Trebrown