Encephalartos lebomboensis

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Figure 1. E. lebomboensis leaf detail

Distribution & Habitat:[edit]

Exposed slopes of Mozambique, Swaziland, and northern Natal and Transvall provinces of South Africa.


Clumping medium/large cycad to about 4m tall.


Very closely related to Encephalartos natalensis.


An easy to grow species, likeing full sun, and well drained soil. Dislikes frost.

Figure 2. E. lebomboensis
Figure 3. E. lebomboensis in habitat.
Figure 4. E. lebomboensis in habitat.
File:Enc lebomboensis.JPG
Figure 5. E. lebomboensis female cones.

Contributed by:[edit]

Colin Wilson (Figure 1&2)
Morn Ferreira (Figure 3&4)
Mike Gray (Figure 5)

External Links:[edit]

World List, IUCN, JSTOR, Trebrown

Google, GoogleImages, Flickr,